My youngest offspring is 18 today. He is still finishing high school and will be at home for another year probably. But I’m excited we made it this far.
I am not one of those moms who wants my kids to stay little. I honestly don’t miss newborns or the hellish days of having 3 babies under 3 years old. I don’t think of my kiddos as “always being my babies”.
I’ve always considered it my job to walk them through this thing called life, to grow them up, and prepare them for the world beyond my home.
I look at pictures of them growing up and I love the hell out of those little people. But I don’t want to go back.
My youngest kiddo, Nat, has made it to official adulthood. All 3 of my children are now “grown up”. My job isn’t over. It just keeps changing. I still have work to do.

And yes, I do feel a bit older today. But not hopelessly older. More like finally looking forward to the next chapter.
My kiddos are good people with skills to pay the bills. They will be ok, and hopefully better than ok. But I’ll still be here to walk with them and I get to see what they are going to do on their own.
That’s a good feeling today. Mom Win!