Hello everyone! As you can tell, my BLOG is under construction. I’m figuring out the template editor and I’m excited to get things all set up. Bear with me. Remember that famous saying – “Please be patient; God’s not finished with me yet!” (and I’m certainly not finished with this blog set-up). Blessings!

HI! I’m Raylene, and I am an American/ Canadian, recently moved back to New Mexico, USA.

I love lizards, chocolate, flowers, music, hedgehogs, late nights, being creative, and most things Sci Fi. I sing and dance my way through life. Yup, I admit it… I’m a little weird! “It’s OK to be WEIRD!” is my motto! I hope to help others to embrace their “inner weirdie” and to realize that we’re all a little weird in our own way.

I love lizards, chocolate, flowers, music, hedgehogs, late nights, being creative, and most things Sci Fi. I sing and dance my way through life. Yup, I admit it… I’m a little weird! “It’s OK to be WEIRD!” is my motto! I hope to help others to embrace their “inner weirdie” and to realize that we’re all a little weird in our own way.
Who decides what’s normal, anyway?
It’s OK to be WEIRD!
Connect with a fellow weirdie (me!):