I’m back in the land of the (almost) everlasting rain, and I’m cold. Thank goodness for my good old hoodie!
This isn’t a fashion blog, but I’ve just got to give a shout out for this awesome accessory. I LOVE my hoodie! Kind of a goofy thing to write about, I know… but I had almost forgotten about it until I really needed it last night. It’s like a permanent fixture in my life during the cooler months.
Now, I’m not sure about all the slang out there in the world, but around here a “hoodie” is a sweatshirt kind of jacket, either pull-over or zip up usually, with a hood on it, usually with pockets. I know that they have also been called kangaroo jackets (or something like that).
I would say that I wear my hoodie most days between September and May. I have a few other sweaters that I pick up, like when my hoodie is in the wash, but nothing comes close to how my hoodie feels and keeps me warm.
I’ve had this hoodie for 2 years now. I got this one at Simonhouse Bible Camp in northern Manitoba, Canada when we went there on a short mission trip. It’s not nearly as cool as the Canada Olympic hoodie pictured above, but it rocks anyway! It’s getting a little worn on the cuffs of the sleeves, and one of the pockets needs to be repaired – it has a small tear near the top where it attaches to the jacket.
For some reason, the hoodie is just what I need. It’s light, but does take the chill off for me, and I’m almost always cold in the fall/winter. It is cute, and I usually just wear it at home, so it works for everything I need.
It’s probably not the perfect accessory, but it sure is great!