No matter whether you attend church, synagogue, temple, or some other place of worship or special religious significance, you can take some time in October to express your appreciation for those who serve you in those facilities, and those who help you in your spiritual journey.
October is Clergy Appreciation Month!
According to, clergy is:
cler·gy [klur-jee]
noun, plural -gies.
the group or body of ordained persons in a religion, as distinguished from the laity.
Pastors, ministers, priests, what-have-you, all need more than just a handshake from time to time to let them know that you appreciate them and their hard work.
If you’re looking for ideas, you can visit my previous posts about Pastor Appreciation or take a look at the resource that Focus on the Family has gathered this year:
It doesn’t take a LOT to let them know you care. Express your thanks to your pastor or minister or other clergy (and their family)!