No Freaking Way! Father of Lights DVD Review

Our family really likes to watch documentaries, and real life stories – not “based on a true story” kinds of movies, but REAL stories of real people as they are going along, or being interviewed after the fact. A movie called “Father of...

Funny finding you here – WW {linky}

Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday! Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too. I grew up in a small town in New Mexico (USA) called Belen. I’m always surprised when I see the name pop up outside of New Mexico, much less in Canada. This is on a...

I may be cracked but I’m not broken

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, this came to me.  I was so excited to still remember it when I got up this morning that I thought I better put it ‘on paper’ before I forgot it forever! This image has been important to me this year (I just love...