Mom, I need an “Iseedamedicine”

Medication – Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, Advil… and whatever else is necessary. First, it was grape liquid. Then that cherry red ‘stain everything it touches’ syrup. Then clear bubblegum flavour. Next stage was chewables – all in the same...

What the heck is #Wonkets? {Valentine’s Idea}

What the heck is a “Wonket”? I asked myself this the first time I heard the word, too! Well, a Wonket is a one-of-a-kind glass bead made locally by a friend of mine named Julie. Putting many of these beads together create amazing custom jewelry called...

WW: Abundance {Linky}

Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday! Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too. Abundance! Wordless Wednesday is meant to be a simple post which features a photo to convey a message that speaks for itself without using words; well not a lot of words! Please...