October is Clergy Appreciation Month

Clergy Appreciation Month is a special time that more and more congregations are setting aside each year to honor their pastors (clergy) and pastoral families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and multiple blessings provided by these special people. It is...

WW: 12 Octobers {linky}

Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday! Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too. It’s been 12 (twelve) Octobers since these photos were taken. October in Vancouver was this weird mix of green grass and autumn leaves. These pics are of my oldest kiddo,...

“The League” Season 3 (Blu-Ray/DVD) – Glveaway

TV shows coming out on DVD and Blu-Ray seems to be the next big trend in entertainment.  I notice all of my OLD favorites showing up in boxed sets now.  And, I’ve noticed a few of our new favorites out there too! “The League” Season 3 (Blu-Ray/DVD) The...

WW: Crrrrrrrrrrrrunching Leaves {linky}

Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday! Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too. A quick video to capture the PURE awesomeness of crunching leaves! Recorded today, just minutes before the rain came. Had to rush out to get some crunches in before everything...