Welcome to Weird Wednesdays, hosted by It’s OK to be WEIRD!

My kiddos are weird – they can’t help it.  They come by it honestly – after all, I am their mother, so it’s just natural that they’d be as weird as (maybe weirder than) me.  Recently, weird has been in full force at my house.

A few days ago, MrCutie came in from school with some rocks.

He’s known for bringing treasures home, usually the ones he finds in the lane while walking from his bus stop to the house.  He’s brought all kinds of things home (bottle caps, pen lids, a broken Hot Wheels car, a nickel, etc.), including things we had to take back to where he found them (paving brick, bicycle tire…).

So I wasn’t surprised that he had some rocks when he came in.

Actually I was thankful it wasn’t the leftovers of a dead turtle that he had been talking about a few days earlier! PHEW!

He kinda got this little smirk on his face when I asked him about the rocks. He said that he’d brought one for each of us. He had apparently heard a story (or seen a show, he couldn’t remember which) where a shy girl talked to a rock and it would make her feel more comfortable. So MrCutie decided that we all needed rocks to talk to, to make us feel more comfortable when we were shy or anxious.

I asked if the girl’s rock talked back to her, and he said it didn’t.  I asked if the rock changed in some way that helped her to feel better, and he said that it was just talking to the rock that made her feel better.

So I mentioned to him that I could talk to God if I felt anxious or shy.  He said, “Oh yah, Mom, I know… so I’m going to talk to the rock and to God. But God talks back.”

As long as the rock doesn’t talk back, and he knows that God does talk back… I’m cool with that! 😉

He placed the rocks on the entryway table, and picked his rock out of the group.  It was a carefully chosen rock, kinda smooth and flat.  I could tell that he liked it a lot – he kinda petted it and talked to it, like you might do with a kitten or puppy, whispering to it in the palm of his hand. I’m not sure if he’s named it…

I do know that he’s got that rock in his pocket nearly all the time now.  It also showed up in the Lego spaceship he was building night before last as a member of the crew, next to a clone trooper and Indiana Jones. The rock is definitely part of the family now, I suppose.

This is also the same boy who, when he was 3yrs old, had a pet snail named Sam that rode around with him on his little tricycle and was smothered with kisses regularly.  He loved Sam, and talked to him all the time.  So, I’m not surprised that he’s talking to a rock.

When I shared with Sweetie about MrCutie’s recent acquisition of and talking to said ‘pet rock’ he replied with a chuckle, “Well, I guess that makes him a Rock Whisperer.”

Yes, I think it does.  Among his many talents and loveable weirdness, he can now add to his list of titles “MrCutie, the Rock Whisperer”!  It makes a mom proud!

*** Join me in the weirdness… I KNOW you’ve encountered SOMETHING weird somewhere this week!! Leave me a comment and tell me all about it!! ***