I recently posted about my Top 20 Sites Referring Traffic to My Site in 2010 and decided to follow Simply Stacie‘s lead again and see what my Top 20 Keywords were for 2010. These are the words people looked up in search engines and then came over to my site from those searches. I used to do this about once a month, and it was always fun and interesting. This listing is only for the time I’ve had Google Analytics running, so officially September 15 through the end of the year. When I looked up my keywords in Google Analytics, I thought the Top 25 were all interesting so here’s my Top 25 Keywords of 2010:
1. tassimo barcode commercial (yes, I love my Tassimo!)
2. tegu blocks (tegu blocks showed up in my Holiday Gift Guide, and may be cropping up again here later!)
3. tassimo brew box (yes, I love my Tassimo, LOL!)
4. lego nativity set (my son’s Lego Nativity was AWESOME!)
5. weird would you rather questions (we love to play Would You Rather and always have weird questions!)
6. purse perfector (I had a very fun Purse Perfector Review and Giveaway.)
7. itsokaytobeweird (yes, it IS!)
8. lego nativity (see above)
9. be weird (yes, please do! whether you want to or not, you already ARE!)
10. camo overalls (made some camo overalls for my hubby!)
11. it’s ok to be weird (truly, yes, it IS!)
12. weird gift (there were a few ideas posted here for small weird gifts, but always lots of weird gift ideas around here anyway)
13. staying warm in the winter (I’ve learned a few things about Staying Warm in the Winter, for sure!)
14. weird holiday gifts (most things listed in my Holiday Gift Guide would fit this category!)
15. 30 sleeps (when we’re excited, we count sleeps! 30 Sleeps and Counting was the countdown for grandparents to come for Christmas!)
16. creative family gifts (I have a lot of those around here!)
17. weird would you rather (see bove)
18. is it ok to be weird (IS IT? Of Course it is OK to be WEIRD!)
19. weird christmas gift ideas (again, the Holiday Gift Guide is probably a good place to start looking)
20. weird family traditions (weird family traditions, coming right up!)
21. weird gift ideas (again, check out the Holiday Gift Guide)
22. caught me one handed (it was a Weird Wednesday post – Caught Me One-Handed.)
23. christmas traditions is ok to be weird (we definitely have some weird Christmas traditions!)
24. creative family traditions (This was a book I reviewed – Creative Family Traditions)
25. family road trips made easier (Easier Family Road Trips are possible, with some preparation!)
So there’s my list. What words are bringing people to your site?
I think I’ll do this about once a month, like I used to, because I do end up with some really strange things on the list sometimes. Maybe I won’t always do the Top 25, but instead I’ll do WEIRDEST keywords. That sounds like fun!

Love it! Funny how weird shows up in so many of your searches. Thanks for sharing!!