My kiddos have had this ongoing fuss about how long all of their chores take them.


Tonight I tested it for myself.

30 minute timer

It only took me 26 minutes from the time everyone was done with their dinner until the time I had it all cleaned up (hand dishes washed, dishwasher loaded, leftovers put up, table cleared, counters and table washed, stove cleaned, etc.)

So there!

I can do a 10-minute tidy in the living room and have it looking pretty decent on any given day. Not a thorough clean, but tidy.

Give me 30 minutes and I can paint my fingernails and toenails.

In 30 minutes I can (usually) write a blog post, or CLEAN my bedroom, or fold about 3 loads of laundry.

It takes me 30 minutes to walk about a mile and a half.

I’m able to run into a store and grab milk, butter, eggs and cheese, check out, and get back out to the car in less than 30 minutes.

I’ve tried to tell the kiddos that if they JUST STUCK TO THE TASK that they could do a LOT in 30 minutes.  They like to dawdle and fiddle with this or that and putz around while they’re doing their chores.

So, help me out – I need some more ammunition to send my kiddos’ way (or challenges?).

What can you do in under 30 minutes?