I looked back at my recent posts… and I apologize if you’ve been totally bored around here!
Where have all my good posts been going?
Well, the time I’d normally spend writing super fascinating and alarmingly witty blog posts is now being spent on a myriad of other things, including, but not limited to:
- running my home-based social media management business;
- homeschooling MrCutie;
- blogging for my home-based business;
- keeping MrCutie occupied;
- doing the real WORK of my home-based business;
- showering;
- sleeping (though not much);
- updating Facebook Pages (my own and my clients) to the new Timeline format for my home-based business;
Dance Dance Revolution dance challenges with all of the kiddosexercising;- drinking hot chocolate;
- snuggling my Sweetie;
- braiding my daughter’s hair (now that she finally lets me!);
having meetings and trainings for my home-based business;
- Pinning, yes…. pinning….;
- planning for homeschooling lessons with MrCutie;
- not shoveling snow;
- staying out of the wind;
- contending with sleepy and grumpy tweens in the evenings these past few days;
- snuggling with my Sweetie while we watching Hockey Night in Canada;
- washing and drying but not folding laundry;
- getting my hair ‘did’;
- eating protein bars;
- more home-based business stuff;
- more homeschooling stuff;
- running around IN Facebook (at least it feels like it!);
- more tween stuff;
- more Sweetie stuff;
- etc. etc. etc…
Yah, so, all my good writing is going in to other places 90% of the time right now. And about 8% of the time I’m losing my great writing ideas while I’m sleeping (or dozing off to sleep) only to forget them in the morning.
You guys and gals, my fellow weirdies, still love me, right!? Right?!? *nervous giggle*
I’ve got a little notebook by my bed… I’m hoping that some of my good posts will work their way into that notebook and then out onto the blog. In the meantime, you can count on getting Weird and Wordless Wednesday posts at least! *ahem…. yah… yup…uh-huh*