MagnetsOnTheCheap: GREAT Option for Business Advertising

Starting your own business can be challenging, and very rewarding. I’ve officially been a business owner for a year and a half now!  Off the Wall Social Media Management is off and running! One of the things that all new business owners think about is...

Barbecues, Barbecues, Barbecues Galore

Summer is HERE! Well, I know it’s been summer for a while in lots of places, but here in Alberta I can finally say it’s REALLY summer!! And while we do not limit our barbecuing to just summer weather (we have been known to grill all or part of our...

GlassDharma Glass Straws – REVIEW and Gift to share!

Did you know that only about 20% of plastics produced every make it back to a recycling facility? Think about how many plastic straws you have used in the course of the last week. Whether eating fast food or at a regular restaurant, and not to mention juice boxes!...

Tweens with Acne like Clearasil #PerfectaWash

Acne – it was something I hadn’t really thought about bumping into while raising my own kiddos. Of course, both my Sweetie and I have experienced our share of ‘blemishes’ in our lives, and not just during our teen years. I know my Sweetie used...

Have a New Teenager by Friday – Review

Thankfully, my teenager and my tweens are pretty darn good kiddos.  I have a friend with older kids, and she’s been through just about everything with her teens.  When the book “Have a New Teenager By Friday” came across my desk, my friend reviewed...