Thankfully, my teenager and my tweens are pretty darn good kiddos.  I have a friend with older kids, and she’s been through just about everything with her teens.  When the book “Have a New Teenager By Friday” came across my desk, my friend reviewed it for me.

About Have a New Teenager by Friday: From Mouthy and Moody to Respectful and Responsible in 5 days

Wondering how to communicate with the “whatever” generation? Are you losing sleep over who they’re “tweeting” and “friending”? Follow Dr. Leman’s 5-day action plan and rest easy! With his signature wit and commonsense advice, he offers strategies to help you establish healthy boundaries, gain respect from your children, and turn them away from selfish behavior.

Dr. Kevin Leman, an internationally renowned psychologist and New York Times Bestselling Author of more than 30 books, provides easy techniques, helpful tips and clear insight that will change the way you look at and resolve the parenting, marriage and relationship issues in your life.  He brings common sense to common problems.

Our Review

On my initial thumbing through “Have a New Teenager by Friday“, it looked to me to be pretty common sense (just as suggested in Dr. Leman’s Bio).

My friend, Patty, took the book and read it all the way through. Her thoughts on the book:

Dr. Leman is always right on when it comes to is marriage and parenting advice.  Have a New Teenager by Friday has great practical helps, and it includes background to change the way you and your teenager think about each other. Naturally, this improves the overall relationship. Some of these things I wold have liked to have known about when my son was still at home, and some of them don’t apply to my daughter.  But, in general, I can see how this book would be very helpful if you found yourself a desperate parent needing some quick relief with your teens.

Right now, this book is sitting on my own bedside table. Patty brought it back to me, and I’m keeping it for future reference.  I found my daughter (aged 13) reading it the other day, and it made me laugh.  Now she’ll know all my tricks!

Having read other books by Kevin Leman, I would agree with Patty – he knows his stuff.

Based on my friend’s recommendation, and the great reviews I’m reading about this book, I would also recommend “Have a New Teenager by Friday” as a resource for teen parents. It’s always good to have some more skills in our toolboxes!

“Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.” As always, my opinions are my own (and my friends’ opinions are theirs, too).