Fifteen Things to Tell Your Teenagers Before They Go To Sleep

(I found this article a long time ago. It’s worth sharing here, I think. I love the message. I hope you do, too!) Fifteen Things to Tell Your Teenagers Before They Close Their Eyes to Sleep Having a teenager is one of the most challenging times in a parent’s...

20 Things a Mother Should Tell Her Son

I saw this on Facebook. I want to save it and remember to tell these things to my 2 sons. This isn’t my creation. But it’s worth hanging on to and sharing. 20 Things a Mother Should Tell Her Son 1. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so...

Have a New Teenager by Friday – Review

Thankfully, my teenager and my tweens are pretty darn good kiddos.  I have a friend with older kids, and she’s been through just about everything with her teens.  When the book “Have a New Teenager By Friday” came across my desk, my friend reviewed...

Are you a Helicopter Mom?

Guest post today from my friend, Aurelia Williams. Thanks Aurelia!! How to Ground the Helicopter Mom Do you know what a helicopter mom is? I bet you’ve meet one or two. They are the moms that hover over their child all of the time and swoop in to fight their battles...

Tips to Curb Summertime Teen Laziness

Summer is coming, or is already here for some of you.  If you’re lucky enough to be done with school for the year, then school is out, but boredom is setting in. Laziness is also kicking in with your kiddos. Here’s a guest post by a friend of mine...