One of the biggest reason marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to ask the big questions before they walk down the aisle. My hubby and I have seen both sides of this as marriage mentors.  Those who really work at good communication before and after the wedding ceremony are the happiest and their marriages last the longest.  Those who don’t bother to ask the right questions (or to answer them honestly) can find out surprises later that will kill their marriage.

If couples simply spent some time asking each other the questions that really matter, they’d greatly increase their chances of staying together.

The great thing about a “question book” is that it makes it easier to ask those difficult questions and encourages an environment to address them.

But is Michael Webb’s “1000 Questions For Couples” the right book for this?

In short, yes.  Definitely YES!

About the book

Most question books ‘beat around the bush,’ never really providing the important questions, and others simply don’t have enough questions.

On the other hand, Webb (who is a friend of mine and I’ve been working with him and using his materials for years!) has put together, in “1000 Questions for Couples”, the most comprehensive collection of questions, covering every single topic you’d ever want to know about before tying the knot.

It includes tough subjects like money, children & child rearing, career, past and present relationships, religion, morals, convictions & beliefs, personality, and even sex.

But don’t get me wrong – while there are many serious and tough topics to discuss, there are also many “lighter” yet just as important topics, including the car and driving, vacations, food and well being, pets, and your favorite things.

My Review

That’s one thing I really loved about this book. It covered every conceivable topic from the super serious to the light-hearted and fun, making it easy for couples to start with easy questions and build their way up to important ones.

Also, a great bonus is having the ability to deliver 3 – 5 of the questions to my email each day, making everything automatic. I just go about my day and get new questions to ask my loved one, without having to really think about it.

In all, there’s nothing really negative I can say about this book. It delivers exactly what it says and covers every question you would ever want to ask your loved one.

I highly recommend this book for everyone. NOT just couples who are thinking of getting married but also couples who just want to feel closer together, or people dating, who just want more things to talk about.

Gift for YOU!

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I really want to encourage you to think about getting “1000 Questions For Couples“, or maybe one of Michael Webb’s other fantastic resources. You’ll get some great ideas, tips and helps from anything Michael has written.

Just to sweeten the deal, and to give you a taste of what Michael has to offer, I have a special gift for each and every one of you! It’s just a little thing, but I really want you to consider these materials!

I am able to give this GIFT to you for free since the author is a friend of mine. I’m SO excited that I can give it away to you all!

Click Below to get your FREE gift101 Romantic Ideas by Michael Webb!

And, don’t forget to check out “1000 Questions For Couples” and Michael’s other resources!  We recommend them all the time.