Remember that thing called ROMANCE?

I’ve wondered about how much is appropriate for me to say about romance on a usually-family-friendly blog.  I know that a large number of my readers come from relatively conservative backgrounds.  I, myself, tend to lean toward the conservative side, and...

Still Stuck for Valentine’s Ideas?

Well, TOMORROW is the big day – Valentine’s Day!Are you still looking for a last minute gift idea?Wanting a little bit of sizzle, but not sure where to look?Disclaimer: The subject matter in the following links is of an adult nature.  This will serve...

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

My hubby and I are watching “Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage” by Mark Gungor, in preparation for some marriage mentoring and other marriage events.  This guy is hilarious, and what he’s got to say about men and women is BANG on!  LOVE...

1000 Questions For Couples (book review)

One of the biggest reason marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to ask the big questions before they walk down the aisle. My hubby and I have seen both sides of this as marriage mentors.  Those who really work at good communication before and after the...