Normally, I have tons of great ideas for blog posts and writing in general. I know that I even had a few good ideas for posts, but I didn’t write them down. Now I can’t remember what they were.

This is kind of like how things are going in general in my life right now.

My creative juices are strangely dry, my imagination has been weirdly blank, my writing slate has been empty of ideas.

I noticed while I was working on a flyer for a training session we’re doing with our business that I was having a hard time getting the formatting to come out ‘right’. I can often bang out attractive brochures or pamphlets or things like that pretty quickly. This one felt like a chore. That’s not normal for me.

Depression is kicking my butt this weekend.

Trying to figure out new medications and mitigate the side effects is an adventure all its own. Poor sleep is always an issue for me, and for about 5 nights in a row I didn’t sleep well at all.

So, last night I did a bunch of nothing, mostly because I had no mental space to do anything. And today I had a long nap, and have done very little. Starting to feel like I can see a bit more clearly again, like the slate is still blank, but like it’s maybe been cleaned instead of randomly cleared.

For someone who is typically quite creative and imaginative, it’s really weird to be so blank. It was really bothering me on Friday. But sometimes I guess we just need to cut ourselves some slack and give ourselves a break, right? Doing that last night and today has helped. I need to remember to let myself do that BEFORE I get so completely empty.

What do you do to help clean your slate, so it doesn’t end up randomly blank?

Photo credit: GREEN CHALKBOARD ON A WOODEN TABLE © Petar Milevski |