A few days ago, we got a small package from my Sweetie’s Grandad. It included a couple of hand-written notes along with a wedding anniversary card and a special treasure – a recipe book containing many of his favourite recipes, also hand-written.

Also included in the package was a story that I thought was worth sharing here.  It’s such a sweet story. Grandad introduced it this way:

Years ago I read a story a woman had send in to a magazine. Have thought about it several times since.

And he wrote the story as he remembered it:


As a girl growing up, Amelia would see her mother reach to the top shelf of her spice cabinet, and pull down a metal can. Her mother would open the can and take what looked like a pinch of whatever was in it and add it to her favourite food she was cooking for that meal.

VINTAGE-SMALL-ROUND-SCREW-TOP-TIN-CANNISTER-LOCKAmelia would ask her mother, “What is that?”

Her mother would always say, “It is a special spice, my secret that I found years ago. A pinch of it makes the food better.”

Years went by and Amelia’s mother died.

When Amelia was going through her mother’s kitchen cabinet to sort the things in there, she found the old metal can. She remembered what her mother used to say, and she thought, “Now I will know what spice is in here.”

She opened the lid, and found there was nothing in the tin except a small piece of old white paper. Written on the paper was a short sentence: “Always add a pinch of love.”


(original source unknown)