Many of my online pastors’ wives friends and I have recently discovered a community designed especially for Pastors’ Wives and Women in Ministry – Leading and Loving It.  These gals are awesome!  Lori Wilhite and the crew over there have a real heart for supporting and encouraging pastors’ wives.
Leading and Loving It recently hosted the JustOne Virtual Conference for Pastors’ Wives and it was fantastic! The JustOne Conference is now all archived for online viewing:
A while ago, I blogged a bit about my involvement with Leading and Loving It and the Virtual Community I’m a part of.  Lovin’ it for sure! 🙂
I just thought I’d let you know about the group, and about an event they have coming up.

Leading and Loving It is having a retreat, Armed and Dangerous, planned for May 10 and 11 in Nashville, TN.  It’s 2 days designed to connect with and support other pastors’ wives, a time to have some fun, and to encourage one another.

I’m excited about the possibility of this kind of event.  I’m exploring all of my options to see if there’s any way I can get to this retreat.  It will be a great time and I’d love to be there!

Anybody else interested in going?  Let me know what you think.