Irreversibly Changed Mom Bods

Irreversibly Changed Mom Bods

Have you seen this article about mom bods? 12 Famous Moms Who Couldn’t Care Less If Their Bodies ‘Bounce Back’   This post has been floating around Facebook, and it really caught my attention.   If ever there were a phrase that should be...

What can you do in under 30 minutes?

My kiddos have had this ongoing fuss about how long all of their chores take them. PHOOEY! Tonight I tested it for myself. It only took me 26 minutes from the time everyone was done with their dinner until the time I had it all cleaned up (hand dishes washed,...

Mini-Man Moments

I’ve experienced a few “mini-man moments” recently, and they’ve got me thinking… The other day my son needed some icy-hot kind of cream for his back. He’s been having a few muscle spasms since his soccer tournament last weekend, and...

Are you a Helicopter Mom?

Guest post today from my friend, Aurelia Williams. Thanks Aurelia!! How to Ground the Helicopter Mom Do you know what a helicopter mom is? I bet you’ve meet one or two. They are the moms that hover over their child all of the time and swoop in to fight their battles...

Garage Needed

You know, all that stuff that usually goes out in the garage. Stuff like: ice skates Christmas decoration boxes bins storing the hunting gear boxes being saved for something-er-other tools etc Well, we don’t have a garage. So all of that stuff ends up somewhere...