Have you seen this article about mom bods?

12 Famous Moms Who Couldn’t Care Less If Their Bodies ‘Bounce Back’


This post has been floating around Facebook, and it really caught my attention.


If ever there were a phrase that should be banned outright, “bouncing back” might well be it. The notion that women should immediately snap back to a pre-baby version of themselves is ubiquitous, which makes it challenging for even the most body-positive mamas to ignore. And nowhere is that pressure more obvious than in Hollywood, where moms are praised for “bouncing back” weeks after giving birth, and lampooned for anything else.

Thankfully, there are plenty of smart, outspoken celebrity moms who are pushing back against the absurd standards placed on women’s bodies, and who instead embrace themselves just as they are.

Click through to see all of the women who shared their opinions about mom bods: 12 Famous Moms Who Give Zero F*cks About ‘Bouncing Back’


My favourite one of the lot might be this one:

Olivia Wilde - mom bods

I’m not a smart, outspoken celebrity mom, but I am smart and outspoken, and the message here really resonated with me.


In fact, I shared this article and some of my thoughts about mom bods on my personal Facebook profile, and I want to share here, too:


Our bodies change so much when creating and being inhabited by another human being. It’s just what happens!

We get to be part of a beautiful miracle, and we’re forever altered by it, physiologically, emotionally, and in every other way I can think of. We even know now that women are affected on a cellular level by pregnancy and our body-chemistry is different after every child.

One of the women in this article says something to the effect of, “I’d like to live in a world where women who birth children are not expected to shed all evidence of having done so.”

Can we all learn to accept, even to embrace, these changes in our bodies?

Can we teach ourselves and our sons and our daughters to appreciate the formative feat undergone by a woman’s body, and the inevitable transformation that happens as a result?



The conversation we’ve been having there in the comments has been really candid and encouraging. It’s worth a read! Click the image below and scroll down to the comments on the Facebook post.


Raylene being passionate about mom bods



Join in, too, with your thoughts on mom bods and how they change in becoming moms.