It really doesn’t take much to make a holiday for me.

It just so happens that today, July 30, is National Cheesecake Day.

It also happens that my daughter and I both enjoy cheesecake, one of the few desserts we both REALLY REALLY like.

It also also happens that my Sweetheart are home alone without the boys, so we could enjoy cheesecake together, just the two of us, with NO having to share with the boys.


Safeway also made it very convenient, having frozen cheesecakes on sale, that were also nut free. WIN AGAIN!

So, Sweetheart and I enjoyed cheesecake while snuggling on the couch and watching America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFV) on Netflix.

There was cheesecake, there was lots of laughter, and there was much love!

cheesecake, laughter and love

It’s easy to say, “I love you, and you’re special to me.” It can be as simple as cheap Cheesecake Day! 🙂

What moments have you made special with your loved ones lately?