…almost Wordless Wednesday…

I got this in the mail yesterday from my Pastor’s Wives Online Forum Secret Santa.

I understood that it was supposed to be an ornament exchange, so I just sent my poor secret Santa an ornament (a handmade one, that I put lots of love into)… MY secret Santa, on the other hand, treated me to something I would always LOVE to have but never actually buy for myself – a gorgeous ceramic travel mug from Starbucks, PLUS a $5 Starbucks gift card, AND the super cute Starbucks mug ornament!  WOW!

With this fun and stylish mug, and my TASSIMO home brewer, I’ll always look hip and cool when I’m out running around with my home-brewed coffee now, and nobody will be the wiser! 😉

(I hope my Secret Santa – the one I sent my ornament to – doesn’t feel TOTALLY ripped off when all she gets is a card and an ornament! It’s my FIRST year in the exchange… I’ll know better for next year, I promise!)

Check out more Wordless Wednesday at My Organized Chaos!