If I could pick a new instrument to learn, I would choose a banjo or a cello. Heck, I’d pick both! Banjo is just funky (plink pluck plang), cello is so warm and deep (zoom zoom zoooooooom). Either would be wonderful.

If I could listen to music the way I REALLY want to, I would buy HIGH quality, SUPER awesome headphones, so I can hear all the parts of all the music I listen to. I can listen to a beautiful piece of music many times and follow a different line or instrument each time. I’d love to block out all other sound and REALLY be able to hear all the richness of layers and layers of music, or even the beautiful simplicity of a few well-played layers.

me snorkeling

Yup, that's really ME snorkeling in Hawaii!

If I could snorkel without getting sea-sick, I would go back to Hawaii and swim with the sea turtles.

If I could change ONE thing about Lethbridge, I would calm the winds.

If I could hire a maid and a cook, I would have enough free time to conquer the world!

If I could buy a retreat house, I would choose one someplace warm and sunny, probably near turquoise water.

If I could perfectly manage my time, I would sew and tweet and cook and write books and publish blog posts and make crafts and read stories to my kiddos and be a wonderful loving wife and have coffee with my best buds and study my Bible and still have time to sleep!

If I could make it fit in my bathroom, I would install a HUGE bubble tub, just because.

If I could drive any car I wanted, I would drive a BRIGHT BLUE 2-door Mini Cooper, because they are cute and impractical and fun, and I’d pretend I’m Cameron Diaz on The Italian Job.

If I could wear whatever I wanted, I would nearly always choose something with SPARKLES!

If I could erase one household chore, I would get rid of dusting, just get rid of DUST altogether.

Trinity hacking - Matrix

Trinity (not me) hacking - from the Matrix

If I could learn like they do on the Matrix, I would possibly FINALLY satisfy my thirst for knowledge and read all of the books I have ever wanted to read.

If I could impart an ability to my family, I would give them the ability to not only SEE that thing on the floor they keep stepping over, or those dishes on the counter they keep forgetting to load in the dishwasher, or that whatever that needs to be done, but also to DO SOMETHING constructive and helpful with what they saw WITHOUT being told or asked to….

If I could travel anywhere, I would go EVERYWHERE, touring the world and all its various nooks and crannies and the wonderful places there are to see.

If I could figure out where it is, I would turn off the sensor on my behind that somehow indicates to the world that I’ve JUST entered the bathroom. Maybe then nobody would call on the phone, or ring the door bell, or let out a blood-curdling scream from downstairs because they’ve broken their spleen, or holler from the backyard because they are stuck in a gate, or wake-up with a nightmare and bare into the washroom WITH ME, as soon as I get to the toilet.

A girl can dream, right!?

If I could keep going, I would write a whole book, I’m sure!  I might write more of these later, they are so much fun!

If you could, what would you do?