Sweetheart in the sunshine

My just-turned-13-yr-old daughter is going back with her grandparents to their house in New Mexico for just shy of 2 weeks. This is the first of a tradition they want to establish, where the grandkiddo, after they turn 13, gets to go spend 2 weeks with them in the summer. The grandparents have been up here with us visiting for a few weeks, and they left this morning, with my Sweetheart.

I don’t usually fret over my kiddos going to camp, or things like that. I am really trying hard to not stress about this trip, and to leave all the details in God’s hands. But I admit that I am feeling a bit uneasy. It’s a LOT of miles away, with a LOT of driving between here and there, both ways.

notes to hide in luggage

I think I’ve done all I can do, though. I helped her pack all her stuff, and hid notes in all her bags (a fun thing I do for everyone when they travel). I’ve provided instructions and I’ve refilled Sweetheart’s prescriptions for all her medications (she has severe allergies and asthma), sending extra for every ‘just in case’ situation I can think of. I got notarized documents so she can travel with the grandparents across the border, and be given medical treatment while in their care if she should need it.

Sweetheart is a strong, smart girl. It will be a great time for her, I hope, and a special time with her grandparents. I love that girlie so much! She’s been away to camp for a couple of weeks, and has even made a long trip like this with her grandparents once before (when Sweetie and I went to Hawaii).

30 minutes in to her trip, and I miss her already. 🙂 I’m not an over-protective type of mom, but there are many concerns in my ‘gut’, and I’ll likely be praying a LOT for those concerns, especially on their travelling days (July 2 and 3, and again July 12 and 13).

Have fun Sweetheart, and make GREAT memories!! I love you, girlie!!

top photo: Sweetheart on her 13th Birthday. Photo by June Bug Photos. 2nd photo (my own): notes to hide in Sweetheart’s luggage.