What is working for you in the area of health and fitness?  I’m curious to know what others are using as guidelines for nutrition, regular exercise, and overall wellness – and what’s really working?

A system that I came across about a year ago is one that I often go back to.  It seems to be something that really is doable.  The only issue for me, with my personality, is making myself stick to any ONE thing for longer than a month or so. (I’ve been working on it!)  So I do something for a month and then switch it up a bit.  This is one program that I pick up off and on.

The Fit Yummy Mummy Workout

I think what I appreciated most about this program was that it is a HOME workout plan, and could be done just about anywhere.  It includes playground workouts too, that you can do while out and about with your kiddos.  I’m sure if I stuck to it, for more than a month, that I’d probably see lasting results.

I had plateaued for a while, and then lost about another 5 lbs and plateaued again.  I’m not discouraged, because at least I’m not gaining – and from what I know of how bodies work as we get older, not gaining is an accomplishment of its own!

But what are you using?  Tell me about what is working for you, to help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals.