On a daily basis, I find that I tire of all the things I have to do and the time it takes just to take care of me.
finger nails
toe nails
hair do
eating well
sleeping well
drinking enough water
getting enough sunshine
The list goes on and on. And that’s just regular stuff. You know what I mean, right?
Right now, I’m really sick. On Thursday, the doc at the clinic said it was Strep Throat. 4+ days of antibiotics and I’m feeling worse now… If it is strep, it’s not responding to the medicine. And then, maybe it isn’t strep…. I’ll go back to the clinic in the morning to see the same doc (since my doc is away) and find out what else is going on.
But even that takes time I hate to spend on myself. I could be doing so many OTHER things with that time.
I have lots of work to do, but tonight I’m not going to do any of it. I’m going to rest and try to feel better. I’m going to lounge on the couch and not feel bad about it. I’m going to drink decaffeinated tea and water and just vegetate.
Because I realize that one of the things I need to do to take care of myself is to TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!
I need to be nice to myself, especially when I am sick, and let myself heal.
I MUST feel better. There are too many good things going on right now to stay sick. But I’ve learned that if I push too much, too fast, that I end up being sicker longer.
So, I’m in my 30’s and I’m STILL just figuring out how to take care of myself, I mean REALLY take care of myself. It DOES take a lot to take care of me, and right now I’m working on believing that I’m worth it!

Between Friends comic - In an almost perfect world. SICK: Hmmm... what's your schedule like next week? Do you have any time to get sick then? WOMAN: Things are pretty busy at work... and we have dinner plans on the weekend...How does next month sound?