Halloween evening at our house this year included making yummy treats together as a family. Rice Krispie Treats!

Kellogger Rice Krispie pack

Only my big kiddos wanted to help, but they had a great time!

While we were making the Rice Krispie treats, BudBud and I had some discussion about what our treats actually looked like. One in particular had his attention.  So much so, that he made a video, all on his own, and he wants to know what you think.

(well, I added the annotations, but he recorded it!)

Go to http://on.fb.me/QV8Wll to ‘vote’. Do you see a cat? Then LIKE the post. If you don’t see a cat, leave us a comment telling us what you see!

For the record, here is a picture of the cookie cutter we used to make the cat.

cat cookie cutter

Still…. do you see a cat??