Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy Lunar New Year!! 2012 is the Year of the Dragon!

2012 Year of the Dragon

My son is a Dragon! He was born in the year 2000.

I can’t tell you how many Chinese women in Vancouver rubbed my tummy and proclaimed blessings on me while I was pregnant that year, hoping for me that I would have a son.  I’m not making this up!!!!

Apparently dragon sons are highly prized for their intelligence and ambition and lots of other good stuff.

I would be told over and over, anywhere and everywhere, “Oh, I hope baby is a boy. Boy born under sign of dragon is bery bery very very good.” Um… OK, sure!

BudBud is my 2nd child, and I definitely didn’t get as much attention with my first, a rabbit baby.  But people would go out of their way to come and talk to me about this budding young life inside of me in the year of the dragon.

They’d talk to me at the bus stop, in the washroom, running to catch up with me walking down the sidewalk, in the washroom, on the escalator down or up to the sky train station, on the sky train, on the bus, in the washroom, at the park, in the grocery stores, in the shower in the change room at the pool…. 

Not only did they like to talk to me, a large percentage of the women had to touch me, touch my belly. I felt like Buddha or something. For a while I was bothered by it.  After all, it was still my body!  The invasion of my personal space was a bit overwhelming. But it became pretty common place, so I finally gave up worrying about strangers touching my burgeoning belly.  I did, however, draw the line at touching me in the change room – that was taking it too far!

Then, lo and behold, I had a boy!

As weird as it was to have strangers touching my belly, it was even more weird to have crowds of Asian people, men and women and children, crowding around my stroller at the mall to see this new dragon boy. They were so pleased for me. I was pleased, too, but I think they were more pleased.

I’m not a follower of zodiac (Chinese or otherwise) but BudBud does seem to fit the dragon profile. He’s very smart, he’s a leader, and he’s passionate about his beliefs. So maybe there is something to be said for all that belly rubbing after all.

Dragon Photo © Dixie Allan