When we left our home in BC, I left behind at least 150 bulbs in the flower beds, bulbs that I had meticulously placed in fun groupings and careful color combinations.  I know the people who bought our house don’t enjoy those crocuses, tulips, dahlias, and daffodils as much as I did.  And I am even MORE positive that they care much less for my lilies, those beautiful lilies, than I did.

My first outdoor ‘spruce up’ this spring was in my front flower bed.  Though I was a bit concerned that the local deer might eat all my flowers, I persisted and chose some things that would brighten it up out there, and brighten my spirits.

These are the flowers I planted in my front flower bed. I am so excited when I see new blooms. I didn’t get my first lily on film, so I thought I better snap some shots before it was too late!

White Dahlias
These white dahlias are about 1/2 the size of the ones I grew in BC, but not bad considering we get less than 1/2 the rain here than I got there….

Purple Oriental Hybrid Lily
Purple Hybrid Oriental Lily – it’s SO sweet, and sticky nectar has run all the way down the stem. Smells so nice!
White Oriental Hybrid Lilies
White Oriental Hybrid Lilies – the sun was perfect for this shot, and the flowers so BRIGHT!
flower in a flower
This lily almost looks like it tried to grow another flower inside of this one. There are feathery little ‘petals’ inside the larger bloom.  So far, 3 of the blooms on this plant look like this.  They are gorgeous!
pinkish Zantedeschia
Zantedeschia (or cala lily) – these started out almost competely white, and have now turned a tad pink.
pink Zantedeschia
Zantedeschia (cala lily) – I love how this one was also mostly white a while back and is now so rosy pink.
orange dahlia
An orange Dahlia coming out!
Black-Eyed Susan
I love this cala lily (zantedeschia) – I think it’s called a black-eyed Susan because the center is SO dark, with the yellow stamen in the center. So pretty! This photo is from a few weeks ago.
frilly lily
This is a bit closer shot of the white lily with the frilly little ‘extra’ petals inside the bloom
And last, but not least…
Star Gazer
My favorite kind of lily, the Star Gazer, happens to be the one that got planted RIGHT by my front steps.
I was watching and waiting to see what kind of flower it would be as the blooms started to form, hoping and hoping for the Star Gazer.  Out of a mixed bag of hybrid oriental lilies, one of them was supposed to be a Star Gazer, and I had hoped it would be this one, right by the door. 
This lily happened to bloom right in the middle of our VBS week, and all week at VBS we had been doing “God Sightings” where we were watching to see God at work around us.  This lovely lily, my very favorite kind of lily, blooming right by my front step, was a real God-Sighting for me!!  I felt like this was again the Lord smiling down on me – the lilies were all packed together with no way of knowing which was which when I planted them! I LOVE that this one is right by my steps!!!!!  Such a sweet surprise!
I’m not a real big gardener, but I love these flowers (maybe BECAUSE I’m not a flash gardener and they came out so well) and I love flowers in general.  I’m just not very good at keeping up with everything it takes to have a nice flower bed or garden. 
A friend of mine said she’d need some of my advice when she decided to plant lilies, since mine had turned out so well.  I told her I was sure I couldn’t be much help.  I bought the bulbs in a bag of mixed lilies when Wal-Mart had all their spring bulbs out on display. I planted them, kinda spaced out evenly in the flower bed, according to the instructions on the bag, and watered them pretty good when I first put them in and for the first week and a bit.  Then I would water them whenever I remembered it… not very often!  We did put bark mulch over the bed to help retain moisture, ‘cuz it can get so dry here … I watered them pretty good, most of the time. And they came up however they wanted to.  Now I water them when the Dahlia starts looking a little wilty. Great gardening advice, eh?

But, I think God knows how much I like lilies, and they have worked for me in the last 2 places I have lived. I love them! I was surprised with Star-Gazers in my front flower bed at our last house, and once again blessed with one in my front yard here in our new place.

Yup, these Star Gazers were definitely a God-Sighting to me.  It makes me smile inside everytime I see the flowers when I walk in my front door.  What a sweet, sweet way of ministering to my heart!  God is so good to me!