Quite a while back, a friend of mine called Karen started Memory Verse Mondays, and I enjoyed it when I could find the time to participate.  I thought I’d bring it back (at least TRY to bring it back).  Karen is blogging in a new space and a new way, and unfortunately I’m not at liberty to share her contact info.  But her legacy lives on, eh?

We’re getting ready for our annual Vacation Bible School at church.  It’s coming up in August, and I’m in charge of the music!  WOOT!  I’m so excited!  I always get excited but this year there is a new reason – my daughter will be working along side of me!  She’s ‘graduated’ from the VBS program, moving up into youth, and she volunteered to help with the program this year.  This is going to be good!!

We’re using “LifeWay Kids” curriculum and this summer we’ll be hosting “Saddle Ridge Ranch: Roundin’ Up Questions – Drivin’ Home Answers”.  That sounds like fun, doesn’t it!  I can hardly wait!

Each day of the VBS week there is a focus verse.  For the next 5 Mondays I’ll be posting the focus verses in order to help me memorize each one.  I’ll get 4 of them in before VBS starts!

Day 1: Who Am I?

Bible Verse:  I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.  ~ Psalm 139:14 (HCSB)

I love this verse anyway – and it’s a good thing I have time to memorize this version.  The one I know is a teeny bit different (NIV I believe).