Welcome to Weird Wednesdays, hosted by It’s OK to be WEIRD!

Today will also count for an almost Wordless Wednesday!

I celebrated a birthday recently.  It was kind of a weird day – Sweetie had evening meetings, so wasn’t even able to come home for dinner.  The boys and I had chiropractor appointments and I wasn’t feeling all that great (have I mentioned that whiplash stinks?).  On the way home from the chiropractor, the boys insisted that “Mom needs an ice cream cake!”  How could I pass up that ‘offer’?

This is the cake they/we chose:

I love rainbows! It was a toss up between this one and the Star Trek one (ask my middle son about that, that was his idea!).

Then later, after we ate dinner at home and had a slice of rainbow ice cream cake, I had an event to attend at our church.  It was raining, but the sun was setting behind me, a bright clear sun, down below the storm clouds.  SO, this is what I saw on my way to church:

a FULL Rainbow!  (if I was feeling a little more up to it, I would have properly ‘stitched’ those photos together….)

But not only a full rainbow…



It was gorgeous! After the way the day had gone, this just totally made my day!  It was such a weird thing since the rainbow was SO bright and the sky was SO dark, and it formed right after I ate my rainbow birthday cake.  I LOVED IT!

It was a VERY fun “Happy Birthday” to me!

*** Join me in the weirdness… I KNOW you’ve encountered SOMETHING weird somewhere this week!! Leave me a comment and tell me all about it!! ***