Today is the winter solstice.  In my city, we will have 8 hours and 13 minutes from sun-up to sun-down.  I think they call it about 9 hours and 28 minutes of  civil daylight, if you count the time of twilight just before sunrise and just after sunset.

It’s cloudy here today.  We may get some sunny breaks, but it will probably rain or snow this afternoon/evening.  So, the sun rose at 8:00am and will set at 4:14pm.  It will be dark by 4:30, regardless of what the almanac calls civil daylight.

Being someone who is seriously affected by a lack of sunshine (Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder), this could be the S.A.D. -dest day of the year for me.  I’ve mentioned my struggle with this before.  I’m going to do my best to make the best of it, though.

I got up early to sit in my sunshine machine for the prescribed 1/2 hour.  It’s not COMPLETELY overcast, yet.  We did actually see rays of sunshine peeking out from behind the clouds while driving to school this morning.

Springy Santa HatToday is the last day of school before ‘winter holidays’.  The kids all wore their new sproingy Santa hats to school.  That was lots of fun.

I’m going to get busy here in a few minutes and do a bunch of stuff that I’ve been meaning to around the house, with Christmas music blaring and all the lights in the house on.

These gray short days really are tough for me, so say a prayer for me if you think about it.  But starting tomorrow the days will be getting longer.  YIPPEE!!!