Christmas-time at our House (a.k.a. Weird Christmas!): part 5

My alarm went off at 6:00am this morning.  I rolled out of bed, grabbed my robe, and headed for the kitchen.  I was on a mission, and time was a-ticking.

Today, December 13th, is Santa Lucia Day (St. Lucia Day, St. Lucy’s Day, etc.).  My daughter has the privilege of participating in a special celebration of this day every year.  I needed to get a head start on a few things in order for the fun to work best.

So, once I got to the kitchen, I began working on some things for breakfast.  I would get them started and then get my daughter up to help at a point where she really could help.  Muffins, cut fruit, juice, hot chocolate… looks good.

While the muffins baked I got my daughter up (at around 6:30) and helped her to dress in the whitest, brightest clothes she has.

Lighted Wreath GarlandWe got to the kitchen and gathered some small special plates, 2 serving trays, candles, and the lighted wreath crown we needed for our mission.  We got everything laid out on the trays just about the time the muffins were done and it was time for the boys to get up.  My daughter donned her crown and hid around the corner.

light down the hallAt 7am, when their alarm clock radio turned on, I went and got the boys up.  I ushered them into our room and told them to climb in bed with Dad.  They snuggled in with him, knowing that something was going on, but not being able to remember exactly what.

Lighted candles, fresh muffins and fruit, and steaming hot chocolate decked out our trays.  With one last readjustment of the wreath/garland/crown, my shining daughter and I headed down the hall to surprise the boys.

Framed in light from her tray and her crown, my daughter pushed open the bedroom door and stepped into the dark room, ushering light into the space.  “I greet you with the Light of Christ.  Good Morning!” said my lovely lady.

light in the dark“Wow,” I heard our littlest guy whisper, “she’s beautiful!”  “Thanks.  I knew something special was going on,” said our oldest son.  Dad said, “Thank you, sweetheart.  Thank you for bringing in the Light.”  My daughter beamed even more.

We had already decided that breakfast in bed with 2 rambunctious boys probably wasn’t the best option.  “Would you like to join us at the table for breakfast?” the sweet sister invited.

Once the boys were seated, we served them their yummy breakfast at a table decorated with lit candles and greenery.  They all loved it.

The brothers asked why their sister did this.  She and I had revisited the Santa Lucia story during our preparations for breakfast, so she was able to share about this brave and faithful young woman who died because of her love of Christ.  Lucia means light, and we remember that she would not let the light of her faith be dimmed, even to her death.  (My daughter did such a good job of explaining it all.  That’s when I beamed, I was so proud of her and she was so beautiful, too.)

In these darkest days of the year (shortest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere), celebrating Santa Lucia day is a way of reminding us about the Light of the world and the real reason for the Christmas season.

Original post with comments – worth a look

click for the next post in the series – First there was a Cow – A Progressive Nativity (Christmas-time at our House: part 6)