Yesterday, we experienced horrific wildfires in Southern Alberta, racing across the prairies on 100kph (60mph) winds.  Evacuation orders and alerts were issued, and smoke filled our whole area.  Just before dark, the wind started to let up, and finally the fires began to be contained.

This morning smell of smoke in the air gives me a terrible knot in my stomach, almost before I even realize the smell. The smell takes me back about 25 years… We lost our home to fire when I was in Grade 3.

Today that knot from the lingering smoke in the air, and those feelings of loss and pain, are accompanied by haunting memories of a frightening and horrific morning 11 years ago. As an American with little babies, on foreign soil, I honestly felt lost and helpless in a way I’ve never experienced except on that day. There was a knot in my whole being that day – a twisted-up feeling I still can’t fully explain.

We will never forget, but you’ll grant me the right not to have to rehash it all over and over again today. Even the images in my newsfeed on FB today are almost too much… All the knots come back.

A HUGE thank you to the emergency workers here in Alberta who worked hard through the wind yesterday to fight our fires. A HUGE thank you to the emergency workers who gave their all, many losing their lives, on September 11. And heartfelt prayers for the families who lost loved ones.

Even when I don’t try to remember, the smells and images remind me.  The familiar and unwelcome knots remind me.

Yes, indeed: We will never forget.