Undergoing a few renovations around the blog right now. I’ve very sadly mistreated my website for the last while, and I’m reviving things over here slowly but surely.

website under renovations - we're eating chocolate

What’s goes into updating a forgotten website?

  • Updating themes, and plugins.
  • In my case, changing themes to better suit my interests and blogging style.
  • Removing outdated information.
  • Adding relevant information.
  • Getting back into the groove of posting!
  • Chocolate, of course, for helping to cope with any update-related stresses! 😉

It could have been worse… at least I had a fully functioning site to come back to. Some people lose everything if they leave it too long, even letting hosting and domain registrations lapse. YIKES!

Anywho, there’s never a shortage of weirdness in my life, or in the world, so there’s always some fabulousness to share. Keep an eye out here for the new stuff soon!