Sofia over at From PDX With Love is a new peep/tweep/blogger friend and she has totally surprised me with my first blog award in this new location – The Versatile Blogger Award.

I’m thrilled and honored to receive such an award. I value resourcefulness, adaptability, and versatility in life, so this is really an awesome thing to me!

In order to receive the award fully I must:
1) Thank the person who gave me the award. Thanks SOFIA!! (I’ve already been to her blog to say THANKS!)
2) Share seven things about ourselves.
3) Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs, and let the nominees know about the award.

SO, 7 things about myself (might as well make them interesting, right?):

  1. There are very few things I REALLY dislike in the world, but I can even go so far as to say that I HATE popsicle sticks.  I cannot tolerate a wooden popsicle stick in my mouth.  Tongue depressors send me over the edge, and eating a real popsicle, fudgesicle or Dilly Bar is almost torturous. It’s something about the texture in my mouth.  It gives me the hee-bee jee-bees and really grosses me out.
  2. I want to learn how to play the banjo.  It probably will be the next instrument I learn to play.
  3. I can drive probably any farm vehicle out there, and have had a few miles behind the seat of a big truck – 18-wheeler.
  4. I need to make it to Maine to say that I’ve been to all 6 corners of the USA – so far, I’ve made it to Alaska, Hawaii, Washington State, California, and Florida (and MANY places in between).  I just need to get the North East corner now!
  5. I am one of the best watermelon thumpers around – I can pick a good watermelon out by the way it sounds when I thump it!
  6. I have unintentionally amassed a growing collection of decorative crosses – out of about 25, I have only purchased 3 of them myself.  The rest have all been gifts from relatives and friends, many of whom had no idea I already had other crosses.  
  7. I’m a night owl, and of all the things I do, this probably drives my sweetie the most nuts (that, or my dislike of laundry).
Now, for the 15 new-to-me blogs (with new peeps from MBC, TwitterMomsCanadian Moms, I have some new blogs to share, and if Twitter wasn’t down for maintenance right now I’d have a few more!):
  1. BORED Mommy
  2. Nugglemama’s Handful
  3. Shennandoah Diaz’s Blog (actually, she’s my cousin, and she rocks!)
  4. Kat’s Confessions
  5. Canadian Mom Blogger
  6. Little Village Naturals (that’s LVNaturals, not ivnaturals.  LOL!)
  7. Julie @ Momspective
  8. So I Married A Mennonite 
  9. And Then We Were Ten (not just new to me, but a new blogger in general, and doing a GREAT job!)
  10. SuperMomPlace
  11. Going By Faith
  12. I Should Be Napping But Instead I’m …
  13. The Stinker Pinkers
  14. Shasher’s Life (not exactly new to me, but definitely a Versatile blogger and woman!)
  15. Tara’s View (also not new to me, but once again, very versatile!)
There ya go!  Now, go out and be your wonderful, weird, versatile, blogging selves and share this award with other great deserving bloggers! 🙂

UPDATE:  Mrs Good Weather over at 99% There also gave me this award.  Thanks SO MUCH!!  I’m really honored!