iPhone 4 - WhiteA few months ago, Sweetie upgraded his old dying flip-phone to an iPhone 4. He gave me his new iPhone 4 and took my tiny bit older iPhone 3G. We text more now that he can just type instead of hunting around for letters on the numeric keypad of his old phone. That may be the extent of added functionality that the iPhone has given him…

Case in point –

Text conversation between my Sweetie and I:

Me: Since there’s nothing else to do on my to-do list, maybe I should investigate a new Facebook landing page app. This one is having issues again.

Sweetie: Wow, you got your to do list done?

Me: No, it’s a joke, Silly.

Sweetie: Bummer, it’s not nice to tease me like that…

Me: You’ve seen the list. How could I be done? Goofy.

Sweetie: Since you don’t have anything to do, can you look up the number for the Soccer Centre, please and TY.

Me: What do you have an iPhone for again?

Sweetie: To text you to look stuff up for me.

HAHA, great, just great! I did laugh. But I exactly wasn’t impressed.  Mostly because he WAS being goofy, but he was also being half serious. *sigh* Glad we got him an iPhone!