There are a few friends I have in blog-land that I know on a first-name basis – at least I know their first name.  A very few people have picked up my first name (it’s not terribly hard to find), but I rarely use my ‘real name’ when I’m blogging.  Why is that?

I’m generally not worried about issues of privacy and security and such, especially with something as seemingly harmless as a blog.  I have friends and family who visit my blog (HI GUYS!) and they obviously know who I am ‘for real’.  But I have been a bit more cautious about how public I am with WHO I am for good reason.

My husband prefers for me to be careful with that kind of information.  He is a pastor.  That means that he is (and by extension, we are as a family) pretty visible in the community.  In general he is a private kind of guy, so blogging doesn’t make a lot of sense to him, anyway.  Out of respect for him, I am really being careful to not put too much info out there that would make him uncomfortable.  Don’t get me wrong – he is an extremely transparent Christian man, what you see is what you get, and he is very real in living out his faith.  It’s not that he wants us to hide anything, he’s just cautious about protecting our identity.

Now, that being said, I AM SweetMummy, and SweetMummy is ME through and through.  So, I’m NOT strictly trying to be anonymous to spare myself any real accountability or transparency.  I’m the genuine article and the message of my heart is what you get when I write, period.

So, next time you wonder who I am, you can think of me this way: First Name – Sweet ; Last Name – Mummy.  It’s really pretty simple.  A little weird, maybe, but it’s OK to be Weird!!