Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday!
Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too.

putting in contacts

“Remember – take out your eyeballs before bed!”

My daughter has started wearing contacts.
This seems like a big step into big person land for me.
(She just turned 13, in June.)

But, apparently we freaked her out a little, without meaning to, because when talking about inserting and removing our contacts, we always refer them as “eyeballs”.

Go take out your eyeballs.

Putting your eyeballs in gets easier over time.

Don’t rub your eyes like that when you have your eyeballs in.

YUP, we’re weird!

Wordless Wednesday is meant to be a simple post which features a photo to convey a message that speaks for itself without using words;
well not a lot of words!

Please feel free to link your Weird and Wordless (or Word-full) posts below.

I’m using a new linky this week – hope it works OK!

Check out more Weird Wednesday, Wordful Wednesday
and Wordless Wednesday here on my blog.

If you like, leave me a comment to tell me
what weird or wonderful things you’ve seen this week!