I’ve been ‘running into’ a friend of mine, also a pastor’s wife, online more and more these days.  Shasher is a quasi “real-life” friend, too… We know some of the same people in real life, and I’ve e-mailed and now Twittered with her quite a bit (she was one of the people who helped convince me to get going on Twitter), and I feel like I know her even though we’ve never met in real life. We’re going to Greece together someday though!  But since I started Twittering, now I ‘see’ her all around the blogosphere and net world!  She’s quite an inspiration to me, as a busy mom, pastor’s wife, and social networking/marketing maven.  She’s a real sweetheart, and has always been a big help to me!

And to top if off, she’s given me an award.

You Don't Say: SuperCommentsAward

awwwww….. thanks Shash!

The rules for this award are to answer the questions given to you with the award. I can do that! Then make up 10 of your own questions and pass it onto 10 other bloggers (originally it was 7 but Shash added a few). It’s more of an internet meme than anything, and it’s a great excuse to write and connect with others, so that sounds good to me.

So, these are the questions Shasher gave me to answer:

1) Why do you blog?
I started blogging as a way to get OUT of my head many of the things that kept running around IN my head.  I always like to journal as a way of processing things in life, but I didn’t want my processing (and any insights possibly gleaned) to end up just being ‘found’ one day after I died.  Morbid thought, maybe, but I felt like we go through things for a reason, and God can always use what we’re learning or have learned to help someone else.  I wanted to have any outlet that might benefit others as well.

2) What is your favourite gadget that you can’t live without?
Right now, that would be my new iPhone!  I love this little thing.  I’m having tons of fun with it, figuring things out, adding my own personal touches to it, and keeping my kiddos from sneaking it away to play with!

3) Chocolate or Candy?

Chocolate, for sure!  I’ve gotten on a dark chocolate kick lately.  Well, now that I say that, it’s not just been lately – it’s been a while.  Guess it’s not going away! 🙂

I like the dark chocolate because it packs a punch of sugar without all the extra sugar.  It takes a bit of getting used to, because cocoa is actually NOT sweet – we’re NOT talking Hershey’s Special Dark Miniatures here.  I started with 65% cocoa dark chocolate bars, eating only 1 square.  (I’m not sure what the % of cocoa in Special Dark is, but wikipedia says 45% – don’t quote me on that!)  I’ve gone up to 90% cocoa, and I have a bar of 99% cocoa in the freezer right now that my sweetie got me and I haven’t ventured to try yet.  My favorite is right around 70-85%, and a 70% Ecuador Cocoa bar is probably one of the best I’ve ever had.  Still, only 1 square a day, in the evening with a glass of milk… YUM!
Other times, though, a good handful of chocolate chips, an Aero bar or Nestle Crunch bar will work too!  Chocolate ice cream is a favorite too, my new-found best flavor being Chocolate Amaretto from Marble Slab Creameries!  

OK, bad question, Shash – now I’m ready for some chocolate! LOL!

4) Who do you admire?
#1 on my list would have to be Jesus – for real!  Somewhere in life I realized that all people would fail me, and all people have things about them that need fixed, and to focus on any person as a role model was futile.  I knew the best place to focus my admiration would be on the only Person who was perfect and therefore worthy of my full respect, Jesus.

That being said, I do really admire and respect my husband – he’s an amazing, patient, loving, man of integrity.  He’s the real deal! He loves the Lord, and always encourages me to be more of who God has created me to be – myself.  I’m my best ME when I’m with him!  He keeps his word, rarely (if ever) loses his cool, and is a tremendous leader and mentor.  He’s AWESOME!

And I admire his parents, my mom- and dad-“in-love”.  They’ve worked hard to get where they are, they are gifted and willing to use their gifts for the Lord, and they, too, are very genuine.  I appreciate that.

5) What’s your all-time favourite movie?
Not sure if I have just 1 favourite.  The Princess Bride would rank pretty high, but so would all the Lord of the Rings, as well as the Indiana Jones series and the original 3 Star Wars.  Forrest Gump is good one, too, and we watch all of thes movies over and over.  Also the Bourne series.  I like the action adventure kinds of movies best – not a real chick flick kind of girl for the most part.

6) Butter or Margarine?
Recently I’m going back to butter.  But if I do margarine, I use Becel (regular or with olive oil).

7) Do you tell all on your blog or are there things you hold back on?
I do hold back on things, especially on things about church life.  In general, I don’t share our real names or any real specific details, either.

8) How do you balance your blogging, family, and/or work life?
Balance is such a weird word – it implies something that is static (i.e., not changing).  But for me, the balance of blogging/internet stuff with family and ministry is more of a dynamic thing – always changing.  I’m much better at it now.  When I first started I was pretty obsessive about taking time to blog.  MUST WRITE and get this stuff out of my head!  But now, I write when I get the chance, or when something noteworthy happens.  And if I’m too busy to be online much, that’s OK with me.  I do count my online friends as real friends, though, so I try not to neglect them, as well.  For the most part, real life trumps blogging!

9) What was your last dream about?
I honestly can’t remember…..  I remembered it when I woke up (from my nap today) but haven’t a clue now.  HA!

10) What was the last vacation you took?
Our last vacation was to visit friends in BC and take a few days ‘retreat’ in the Crows Nest Pass right after Easter this year.  It ended up being a good trip to BC – just a quick visit with the folks we had planned to see.  But the retreat time wasn’t so nice, since my Sweetie and I both got a bad bad cold.  We went to hike and play and relax, and we ended up sleeping on the couch and stayed in our pajamas all day.  LOL!  Nice vacation!  Thankfully our church let us switch it from holiday time to sick days, so we didn’t LOSE the time being sick.

 Now these are my questions for the people I nominate to answer…

1) Why do YOU blog?

2) What is your favourite thing to do just for you?

3) Sweet or Salty?

4) If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would you really like to meet?

5) What’s your all-time favourite book?

6) What’s your favourite season and why?

7) Where is the furthest place away from home you’ve ever been?

8) Do you have any allergies?

9) When was the last time you laughed really hard?

10) What is your dream vacation?

So, now I’m passing this Blog Award (meme) on to (I’m cutting the list in half and sticking with 5 people I think – I’m out of the meme loop these days and don’t have many to pass this along to at the moment)…

1) One Passion One Devotion – my buddy Claire
2) Momspective – new friend in the blogosphere (hopefully she’ll still be my friend after I post this), and fellow WiiMom
3) LorelaiCC – real life friend from High School, CC, recently found again on Facebook
4) Mel’s World– rockin’ pastor’s wife, Mel
5) Tara’s View on the World – another pastor’s wife online friend.

Can’t wait to see your answers, friends!  And thanks again to Shasher for the mention! 🙂

original post with comments (worth a look)