Things you learn on homeschool field trips

MrCutie is finally embracing the idea that there are more places to learn than just at home for homeschool. So, when we had to pick up Sweetheart from school (because SHE still goes to school) to take her to the clinic (she has bronchitis by the way), MrCutie decided...

Top-Floor Blessings and More

Last week our family drove out to Vancouver for a conference. The drive was beautiful and we saw winter in the Canadian Rockies change to fall in the Lower Mainland of BC.  It was typically snowy in spots across the mountains, but overall a good drive. We lived in...

If I could… I would…

If I could pick a new instrument to learn, I would choose a banjo or a cello. Heck, I’d pick both! Banjo is just funky (plink pluck plang), cello is so warm and deep (zoom zoom zoooooooom). Either would be wonderful. If I could listen to music the way I REALLY...

WEIRD Lightning

We were visiting some friends in the Red Deer area, and they had this WICKED storm the night before last.  I took some video because it was just SO crazy. This video is from my iPhone – so it’s not the greatest, but it’s representative of what was...