Life is too short for… Crappy Ice Trays

Crappy ice trays – why do we keep crappy ice trays that cause serious ice tray aggravation???? We have 2 ice trays I absolutely hate. I do not recall ever buying any ice trays anywhere, but we have 4 of them – 2 white trays, and 2 blue trays. I seriously...

Typos R Is

er… Typos R Us. Yes, there are some words that I always always always seem to mis-type. aorund thiings worskhop beacuse tot he abou tit guildeine (instead of guideline) daugther and my daughter’s name: Noami (should be Naomi) thye spcial (instead of...

Always add a pinch

A few days ago, we got a small package from my Sweetie’s Grandad. It included a couple of hand-written notes along with a wedding anniversary card and a special treasure – a recipe book containing many of his favourite recipes, also hand-written. Also...

I’ve Known Him Longer Than I Didn’t

I figured it up, and sometime in June I crossed the mark in time where I have now known Jeff (my hubby) longer than I didn’t know him. I know that the post title really stinks. But it’s one of my many attempts to capture this thought that first occurred to...

I think of you when I shave

Yes, I think of you when I shave. Well… not specifically YOU. But someone. And yes, it’s weird. A friend of mine admitted this week that, while she is doing a certain mundane activity, 3 specific people always come to her mind. I thought these kinds of...

How Facebook (Almost) Killed My Blog

Remember that song “Video Killed the Radio Star”? Well, in my case, it’s more like “Facebook Killed the Casual Blogger”… In the days before I had my own It’s OK to be WEIRD Facebook Page, I might have had a particularly...

Sometimes it’s the little things that drive me crazy

Normally I’d say I don’t mind change. New things are good. Creative new things are even better. But sometimes there’s a little something that changes and drives me batty! Last night I updated my Mac to the latest operating system – Mountain...

Be Nice to Me!

My thought for today: Note to Self: Be Nice to Me! Love, ~ Raylene

WW: Is it really a better deal? {linky}

Welcome to WEIRD and Wordless Wednesday! Almost always weird, and sometimes wordless, too. This signage just struck me as interesting. I see this kind of thing a lot. (Yes, I’m a nerd so I notice these thing! LOL!) I’ll buy TWO 4-packs of bars for $9.98...